Question by : How to transfer iPhone contacts from one iPhone to another?
I currently have an iPhone 3GS, but I’m getting an iPhone 4 on Tuesday. I have a whole heap of contacts that are saved to my current phone (not my sim) that I need to transfer to my iPhone 4.
What is the simplest way I can do this?
Best answer:
Answer by Mr. Adkins
Easiest way? If you have Outlook on your computer, plug in your 3GS phone now, click the picture of it in iTunes, click the info tab, and choose to sync your contacts with Outlook. Then, when you get your iPhone 4, do the same procedure. That way, they’ll go to the computer, then the new phone.
Also, possibly as easy, is plug your old phone into your computer, right click it, and choose “Backup”…this will make a backup of everything on your phone. Then, when you get the new one, right click on it and choose “Restore from Backup”…this will move everything but iTunes purchases from your old phone to your new one.
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